In Simple Terms, Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS) is like renting AI technology from a third party.

It's a way for people and businesses to try AI without taking too much risk.

AIaaS is user-friendly and ready to use, so you can easily explore different AI Services.

For the Tech Novice: Think of AIaaS like test-driving a car before you buy it. You can try out different AI technologies without making a significant initial investment. It's easy to set up, reducing the risk of jumping into something you might not fully understand.

AI Implementation is our most specialized service that provides small and mid-sized businesses with a bespoke Artificial Intelligence solution.

This service is meticulously tailored to the company's unique needs and leverages its existing database.

It involves a dedicated team of Certified AI Consultants who design an AI Custom Model deeply rooted in the company's products, niche, competitors, audience, markets, founders, and history.

AI Implementation refers to deploying artificial intelligence technology within a business or enterprise.

This involves using AI CUSTOM MODELS® and tools to automate and enhance everyday business operations, such as: Customer Service, Research, Competitive Intelligence, Marketing, Traffic, Sales Automation, Influencer Marketing, and Online Reputation Management.

This Customized AI Implementation aims to enhance operational efficiency, drive innovation, and foster long-term success.

Using a custom-built AI model could spare your employees 550 hours each year. This effectively acts as though your team has grown in number.

Phases of AI Implementation

1.- Data Collection Engine: The first step in AI implementation is to install our patent-pending AI ENGINE® to collect and analyze the company's existing data, its competitor's Public Data, their ideal audiences, and the niche and market-specific problems. This involves identifying relevant data, cleaning it, and transforming it into a format suitable for machine learning.

2.- AI Custom Model Development: An appropriate machine learning model is selected and trained based on the analysis. The model can be simple or complex, depending on the business's needs.

3.- Testing and Validation: After the model is developed, it is tested and validated to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. This often involves adjusting the model based on its performance during testing.

4.- AI Integration: Once the model is deemed effective, it is integrated into the company's operations. This can be a complex process, requiring careful planning and execution.

5.- Monitoring and Maintenance: The model must be monitored and maintained after integration. This includes regularly updating the model to account for business environment changes and troubleshooting problems.

6.- Continuous Updates: As more data is collected and the business environment changes, the model can be continually improved to increase effectiveness.

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AI Implementation Training

In-house Online Training: To maximize the benefits of AI implementation, the team must understand how to work with the new system effectively.

These training sessions are designed to empower employees with the necessary skills to interact with the AI Custom Model, interpret its outputs, and apply its insights to their daily work.

This training can cover several areas, such as:

1.- Basics of AI and Machine Learning: Understanding the core concepts behind AI can help employees trust the system and its recommendations.

2.- Usage of the AI System: Detailed walkthroughs and hands-on exercises on using the implemented AI system in their daily tasks.

3.- Data Interpretation: Training on interpreting the insights provided by the AI, so they can make data-driven decisions that align with the company's goals.

4.- Support & Trouble-shooting: Basic troubleshooting skills to ensure minor issues can be resolved promptly, ensuring smooth operations.

5.- Advanced AI Training: More deep technical training could be provided for select staff, enabling them to fine-tune or modify the AI system.

This training ensures a smooth transition, enables the team to fully leverage the AI's capabilities, and ultimately results in better utilization of the AI implementation, aligning it more closely with the company's strategic objectives.


AI Custom Implementation 

AI Custom Implementation is a game-changer for many businesses and can be implemented in less than 1 month.

AI can automate complex tasks, improve decision-making, enhance customer service, and many other benefits. 

Remember: It´s not our AI is your AI

Successful AI implementation requires a blend of technological know-how and a deep understanding of the business's operations and strategy.

We are a team of experts, including data scientists, machine learning engineers, and software developers. We work closely with your company after the AI Implementation to build your new needs into your AI Model. 

Remember, AI is a disruptive technology that supports and enhances human capabilities rather than replaces them.

Let us transform Ordinary Employees into Superhumans